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Haulla "843" löytyi 104 tulosta.

SFS-EN ISO 13843:2017:en – Water quality. Requirements for establishing performance characteristics of quantitative microbiological methods (ISO 13843:2017)

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ISO 13843:2017 deals with characterization of microbiological methods. In terms of ISO 13843:2017, characterization means the study of parameters that can be measured to describe how the method is likely to perform in a given set of conditions, which can be described as performance characteristic ...

CEN ISO/TS 29843-1:en – Maaperän laatu. Maaperän mikrobien monimuotoisuuden määrittäminen. Osa 1: Menetelmä fosfolipidien rasvahappojen analyysiin PLFA ja fosfolipidien eetterilipidien PLEL analyysisiin

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ISO/TS 29843-1:2010 specifies an extended method for the extraction and determination of both phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and phospholipid ether lipids (PLEL) from soils. ISO/TS 29843-2 specifies a simple method for the extraction of only PLFA from soils. The standards writing body responsi ...